Friday, November 30, 2012


It's such a simple, yet complex thing. Try to imagine the world without books or magazines. Yeah, it would be worse than it is now. I know not everyone agrees with me on this, but reading is actually a huge part of my life. No matter what change you're going through in life or how terrible you're feeling, books always stay the same. You can't edit them, you can't change the words. It's like different worlds, all frozen in time. Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, fantasy or facts, it doesn't change. Maybe that's why I love books so much. I'm going through such a hard time in my life right now and ever since I started reading again, I feel more whole. Honestly, this world sucks. It's sad though, but I really do hate it. It's filled with crimes and half the world only seems to care about themselves. I sure as heck don't enjoy it here, but books make it more bearable. Know why? They're their own world. While war is going on right now in the world, peace is going on in a book. It's just like dreaming; it's an escape. Sure, it isn't real, but why can't we pretend that it is? I may read different books from everyone else, but to me, it's a way to get away from this life. I can pick up my favorite book and fall in love with Ben and Camelia. And when I finish, I get to read it again and fall in love with them even more. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that it's just a book and it isn't real life, no matter how much I wish it was. Lots of books are far-fetched, yes. But so what? Wouldn't you rather like to take a break from this place and go to a place where love is perfect and friends are always there for you? Going through a heartbreak? Pick up Blue Is For Nightmares, pretend you're Stacey, and fall in love with Jacob. Sure, he's fictional. But there are guys out there who are amazing like him and you'll start to feel better. Feeling bored? Pick up Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year and you'll be entertained for hours. Just feeling depressed? Pick up Pretty Little Liars and get sucked into the lives of Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hannah. It's just that easy. I don't understand people who hate reading. But hey, they're just missing out. Books are the best medicine for anything, you just have to have an open mind. It's totally worth it.

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